
Narrative Designer Full-time

Ciprosoft is a team of creative people aspiring to build stunning and immersive mobile games. Among our ranks, you will meet specialists from Playrix, Playgendary, ZiMAD, Helio Games and even solo indie developers who have already published several games.

We move past classical hierarchy and bureaucracy, which create division where it is not needed. Instead, we foster innovative ideas, risk-taking, and creativity in our own way.

We’re seeking a strategic and proactive data analyst ready to propel our games to the top of the charts.

You'll be working on our flagship project Beauty Tycoon: Hollywood Story 💅⭐

For which tasks (responsibilities)?
  • Продумывание сюжетов интерактивных историй;

  • Создание персонажей, раскрытие их как через внешнее описание, так и через историю, через речевую характеристику;

  • Проработка захватывающих сцен и диалогов;

  • Написание и ведение проектной документации.


  • Employer: Ciprosoft DMCC
  • Job Title: Narrative Designer
  • Published: 8 months, 2 weeks ago
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